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  1. 指导的博士论文“因特网接入与传输服务的定价策略研究”(学生:王昕)获2018年度欧亿6蓝狮在线优秀博士论文

  2. 指导的硕士论文“分布式存储系统中异步编码的动态条带构建”(学生:魏舒展)获2018年度安徽省优秀硕士论文

  3. 2017、2008年度中国科学院朱李月华优秀教师奖

  4. 指导的博士论文“分布式存储系统中基于纠删码的容错技术研究”获2015年度ACM中国合肥分会优秀博士论文奖(合肥分会两人获奖,全国分会共16位博士获奖。学生:朱云锋,2013年度阿里巴巴校招阿里星获得者。)

  5. 2014年度宝钢优秀教师奖

  6. 指导的硕士论文“基于网络编码的延迟约束广播调度机制的研究”(学生:董政)获2014年度安徽省优秀硕士论文

  7.  “计算机学科研究生国际化合作培养探索与实践”,2012年度安徽省教学成果二等奖(个人排名第3)。

  8.  “十一五”国家重点图书、欧亿6蓝狮在线精品教材《组合数学引论》(第二版)获中国大学出版社第二届优秀教材二等奖,许胤龙、孙淑玲编著,欧亿6蓝狮在线出版社,2010年4月第二版。

  9. 指导的硕士论文“无线自组网中多播问题的研究”获首届(2008年度)安徽省优秀硕士论文奖(学生:徐晨光)。

  10. 指导的博士论文“无线自组网中节能策略的研究”获2006年度中国科学院优秀博士论文,2007年全国优秀博士论文提名奖(学生:王鲲,导师:许胤龙,黄刘生)。

  11. 2006年度中国科学院优秀研究生指导教师奖

  12. 论文“Energy Efficient Cooperative Rate Adaptation in IEEE 802.11-based Multi-hop Networks”,(作者:K. Wang, F. Yang, Q. Zhang, D. Wu,Y. Xu)获the Third International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks (QShine 2006)(August 7-9 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)最佳论文奖。

  13. 并行算法类教学基地建设,2001年度安徽省教学成果一等奖,国家级教学成果二等奖(个人排名第4)。


  1. Yongkun Li, Helen H. W. Chan, Patrick P. C. Lee, and Yinlong Xu.“Enabling Efficient Updates in KV Storage via Hashing: Design and Performance Evaluation”, Accepted by ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS).

  2. Chengjin Tian, Yongkun Li*, Si Wu, Jinzhong Chen, Liu Yuan, Yinlong Xu.“Popularity-based Online Scaling for RAID Systems under General Settings”, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD).

  3. Youxu Chen, Cheng Li, Min Lv, Xinyang Shao, Yongkun Li, Yinlong Xu.“Explicit Data Correlations-Directed Metadata Prefetching in Distributed File Systems”, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS).

  4. Hao Chen, Yubiao Pan, Cheng Li, Yinlong Xu, ECR: Eviction-cost aware cache management policy for flash-based SSDs, accepted by Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.

  5. Qiang Zhang, Yongkun Li, Patrick P. C. Lee, Yinlong Xu, Qiu Cui, Liu Tang. “UniKV: Toward High-Performance and Scalable KV Storage in Mixed Workloads via Unified Indexing”, the 36th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2020), Dallas, TX, USA, April 2020.

  6. Fan Guo, Yongkun Li, John C. S. Lui, Yinlong Xu. “DCUDA: Dynamic GPU Scheduling with Live Migration Support”, the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing 2019 (SoCC 2019), Santa Cruz, CA, USA, November 2019.

  7. Fan Guo, Yongkun Li, Min Lv, Yinlong Xu, John C. S. Lui. “HP-Mapper: A High Performance Storage Driver for Docker Containers”, the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing 2019 (SoCC 2019), Santa Cruz, CA, USA, November 2019.

  8. Lingjing You, Yongkun Li, Fan Guo, Yinlong Xu, Jinzhong Chen and Liu Yuan. “Leveraging Array Mapped Tries in KSM for Lightweight Memory Deduplication”, IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS 2019), China, August 2019.

  9. Yongkun Li, Chengjin Tian, Fan Guo, Cheng Li, and Yinlong Xu, “ElasticBF: Elastic Bloom Filter with Hotness Awareness for Boosting Read Performance in Large Key-Value Stores”, 2019 USENIX Annual Technical Conference(ATC),July 10–12, 2019,Renton, WA, USA.

  10. Zhipeng Li, Min Lv, Yinlong Xu, Yongkun Li, Liangliang Xu, “D3:Deterministic Data Distribution for Efficient Data Reconstruction in Erasure-Coded Distributed Storage Systems”,IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium(IPDPS), May 20-24, 2019,Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  11. Yongkun Li, Zhiyong Wu, Shuai Lin, Hong Xie, Min Lv, Yinlong Xu, John C.S. Lui, “Walking with Perception: Efficient Random Walk Sampling via Common Neighbor Awareness”, The annual IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Apr. 8-12, 2019, Macau SAR, China.